Smile is the first thing people see in us when we first meet them. It speaks volume about the kind of person you are and makes you stand unique in the crowd. With time, this smile of yours can get affected by wrinkles, fine lines, drooping jawline, thin lips, and smoker lines. Reclaim your beautiful smile with the best botox treatment in Pune.
Gone are the days when medical advantages were limited and accessible to very few people. Today, treatment like Botox and Fillers offer such natural-looking results that not just women, men are considering the Botox injections to enhance their personality and make themselves visually appealing.
At Botox and Fillers, our best skin specialist in Pune pays close attention to the patient’s facial structure and jawbone to determine if the Botox and Filler agents can improve their facial aesthetics and restore facial volume to achieve confidence. Our doctors achieve subtle, natural results to help you look refreshed and not frozen.
The Treatment Overview
We strive for facial rejuvenation, which not just include treating with Botox for smile lines but also your lips, teeth, and skin around the mouth. The treatments are highly-customized to diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and everything that could distract your smile.
Our treatments include:
- Botox injections to relax facial muscles and diminish the stress and worry lines. The Botulinum toxin also helps prevent future wrinkles and are recommend in treatments such as migraine, strabismus, uncontrolled eye blinking, overactive bladder, muscle spasms, and wrinkles.
- Dermal filler agents such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Radiesse are given to the patients to treat fat and collagen lost due to ageing effects.
Our body produces natural Hyaluronic Acid (HA), which helps the body fight wrinkles and fine line. But, as we age, the body produces less and less HA, causing visible smile lines.
The treatment’s immediate results include –Smoother, glowing, and younger-looking skin. Also, the treatment results can last for six months to one year. To make the effects last long, patients can assign for multiple sessions of Botox and Fillers. Botox injections need to be repeated periodically to preserve the impact of cosmetic treatment.
It Is Beyond Cosmetics
Experts have now begun to see Botox and Fillers beyond cosmetic treatment. It has shown brilliant results in alleviating pain from TMJ and Bruxism (clenching or grinding of teeth). Dental world has widely accepted Botox to treat gummy smile and restorative dental care.
Wait No More!
An unsatisfied smile can take a toll over one’s confidence in social and career life. If you are looking for a way to regain your younger-looking skin and beautiful smile, try Fillers and Botox and Clinic in Pune. Our expert and caring staff will discuss your smile goals and customize the treatment course to achieve a satisfactory result. We invite you to book an appointment with our leading cosmetologists at the Botox clinic in Pune.
Our professionals ensure you first receive the complete information regarding the treatment to ease your decision-making process. Also, it pays to know everything about the cosmetic procedure that might influence your appearance dramatically.